Senin, November 05, 2012

Create Smart Parking Lot Management

Example of Speech to Persuade:

  “Create Smart Parking Lot Management!”

               Ladies and Gentlemen, what do you thing about parking lot management in our campus?. Is it the nice one or not?, it depends on you.
               Ladies and gentlemen, talking about parking lot in our campus, it looks like unimportant thing because the campus does not give the serious attention for the parking lot.  Why did I say like that?  Everyday we can see some students can park their motorcycle anywhere they want, including in the way. It seems likely there is no parking rules in our campus.
               However, parking lot system that is not efficient can give another problems for another people. Here are two negative effects of parking lot that is not efficient in our campus.
               First, campus field is disarray. when people enter the campus not only the students but also the lecturers moreover important visitors, they will see many motorcycles are parked anywhere, of course it will be bad seeing. People who see this condition will think and judge our campus has no good management.
               Second, spend our time. Sometimes, the students who park their motorcycle in the way, do not realize that it will be a problem for us. Let’s see, when we will enter K bridge where the way is enough small, there are many motorcycles are parked. It will be a jam when we are as the students finish our class on 12.15 PM. Almost all of us go out from the K building at the same time, so we have to stand in line for minutes, beside we hurry up because we still have another class on 1.15 PM. It can make us late to enter the next class.
               That are the two negative effects will be caused by the parking lot system that is not efficient. Actually, of course the campus has made the rules for students about parking lot, but it looks like there is no rules, because the campus and the students do not apply what the rules has made. Here the campus should give punishment for the students who park their motorcycle in no parking area. If the rules are applied for the students, step by step they will obey the rules because most of the students do not like the punishment so they will avoid to break the rules. For example, when the students see the sign “no park area” but they still park their motorcycle around there and actually they have known what punishment will be given if they break the rules, the security who has responsibility for parking lot, just follow the rules. The security can block their motorcycle or give the cross sign by chalk in their seat of motorcycle. If the security always do the rules for students disarrange to place their motorcycle, finally the students will avoid the punishment. 
               In conclusion, I would like to say although parking lot problem looks like unimportant thing but if there is no smart parking management, it will cause anothers problem for everyone. So, the campus should apply the rules has made, don’t let the students loss their responsibility that finally break the rules. And for students who need parking lot facility should obey the parking rules that has been made by campus to attain smart parking management.

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